Survey out to gather data on children’s museum proposal
The Jefferson DeFrees Family Center is seeking “community opinions” on its proposal to establish a children’s museum in Warren County.
Financial and operational feasibility are key pieces of the proposal.
“The Jefferson DeFrees Family Center is teaming up with Strategy Solutions, Inc. a regional consulting firm, to conduct a feasibility study over the next few months,” Executive Director Melinda Johnson said.
“This will include surveys, interviews with community leaders and (an) economic impact analysis to learn more about the economic potential and community benefit associated with establishing a Children’s Experience Museum in Warren County.”
Johnson said they’re looking for a “broad cross-section of people across the county” as well as feedback from people who would – or could – visit the area from around the region.
Surveys are available online – and at the JDFC’s Facebook Page and website,
The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.
Those who participate will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a prize – greens fees for four or free entrees for four – from Cable Hollow Golf Course. That award will be made in October.
“The research gathered will be used to build assumptions about local economic impact as well as potential visitor and tourism spending,” Johnson said.