
Sheep care is shear determination

Times Observer Photo by Heather Cathcart-Norris Amie Lindvay stands waiting for the judge to examine her lamb. This fair week, Lindvay has already earned accolades in her sewing, pageantry, and sheep.

Amie Lindvay from Russell is having an excellent week at the fair.

Lindvay competed in the Warren County Fair Queen pageant on Monday evening, earning the People’s Choice award.

She was up early Tuesday morning to show her three sheep, Renegade, Olaf, and Dream for the sheep show judging.

“There were a lot of quality lambs and ewes shown here. Warren County should be proud,” said judge of the sheep show Caleb Wright.

Lindvay brought some of the finest of these quality sheep, earning her the Grand Champion in the market lamb division, the commercial ewe division, and the Intermediate Master Showman. She also won many first-place ribbons in other categories and awaits the auction of her grand champion later this week.

“I work hard with my sheep; I walk them on a leash for an hour a day and make sure they are clean and healthy,” she said.

Her grandfather, Mike Lindvay, echoed this sentiment, saying, “I don’t think people who aren’t involved understand the amount of work these kids put in.”

Lindvay, 15, also earned a first-place award for a pillowcase she had sewn for entry into the non-animal exhibitions.

The judge’s remarks read, “Excellent job lining up the edges.”

She enjoys the outdoors, including fishing and hunting when she is not busy earning multiple honors in various fair events.


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