
DMAP tags to go on sale Monday

Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) tags are set to go on sale Monday.

Treasurer Lisa Barr said the courthouse will open at 8 a.m. Monday “to accommodate our hunters seeking DMAP tags.”

“DMAPs are hard for people to understand but they are a specific area that will allow hunters who have a DMAP tag to harvest an additional doe in a specific location that may have (a) higher population of doe,” she explained.

Barr said that DMAP tags are all that’s left for antlerless tags in the county since the county’s two wildlife management units – 1B and 2F are sold out.

Information about DMAP areas in the county is available on the Game Commission’s website.

Barr said that those interested can search by region, county or WMU.

“Hunters will need to know the DMAP Unit number so we can issue a tag for that area,” she said. “The cost of a DMAP For a resident is $10.97.”

Starting at $2.99/week.

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