County teen founds 4-H club, serves as a leader in programs

Lillian Yoder, the founder of 4-H Kinzua Creative Snappers, stands in front of their display in the 4-H building at the Warren County Fair.
While participating in the Warren County Fair pageant in 2023, Lillian Yoder, 15, was asked what she would like to see added for the youth at the fair. Yoder wanted a 4-H group where animals were not a requirement for fair participation.
After the pageant, she worked with her aunt, Maryanne Elder, to start a new club.
The club came to fruition with help from Justin Heasley, 4-H Extension Educator, and mentorship from the 2023 Fair Queen Kaitlyn Sleeman and Toni Gates helping to navigate the start-up of a new club.
In their first year, the Kinzua Creative Snappers had an impressive nine members, ranging from 8 to 18 years old. The club also accepts 7-year-old Cloverbuds.
Yoder said she likes to help the others in her group find their voice and learn leadership skills.
The group meets once a month on a Sunday, and each meeting has a different member presenting a medium of art they enjoy working with.
Allowing each participant ownership and leadership opportunities has helped the primarily introverted members open up and communicate more comfortably.
The club has done projects using engineering, foraging, painting, and textiles, as well as community service projects such as making Valentine’s Day cards for the residents of Warren Manor.
In addition to the Kinzua Creative Snappers, Yoder is on the 4-H Teen Leadership Council and is a junior representative for the Development Committee.
She earned the Best Essay award at the 2023 and 2024 Warren Fair Pageant and attends Reach Cyber School.
For more information about joining the Kinzua Creative Snappers or other 4-H opportunities, contact the Extension office at or 814-563-9388.