
Asbestos removal kicks off at Fairmont

Times Observer file photo The demolition process has started at the former Fairmont Tavern in Youngsville. Asbestos removal kicked off this week and is expected to take a few weeks to complete.

The process of demolishing the former Fairmont Tavern in Youngsville is underway.

Asbestos removal started this week and will take a few weeks to complete.

From there, the more visible demolition will be able to commence. And the funding has been secured to lock in that work.

“ROY (Revitalization of Youngsville) is extremely grateful to the foundations and individuals who have supported us,” John Papalia, president of the organization, told the Times Observer.

“We are humbled by the generosity of the community and are fortunate to be able to work with many key partners to get to this point.

The condition of the Fairmont has been a topic of discussion for decades.

ROY was able to secure the property earlier this year and has the goal of demolishing the building and bringing a public plaza to that location at the corner of Railroad St and E. Main St.

Papalia said the first phase – demolition – is expected to be completed by the end of fall.

The total project for this phase is roughly $100,000 including the purchase price, asbestos removal and demolition.

ROY fronted the purchase price and foundations including the Community Foundation of Warren County – DeFrees Foundation and Brokenstraw Valley Fund have helped cover the cost of this phase on top of donations received during Warren Gives.

“ROY has been a strong organization for many years, and thanks to so many wonderful leaders and volunteers in the past and present, we were poised to be able to take on this project,” Papalia said.

The project, he explained, is consistent with the developed Youngsville Master Plan.

Once the demolition is complete, there will be some community outreach as ROY will look to develop the future of the plaza.

Papalia sees the goal there as “something that compliments the good things going on” downtown.

“We will continue to use the Youngsville Master Plan as a guide for other projects and initiatives in the community,” he added.


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