County signs off on Lowe’s, Aldi tax appeals
The Warren County Commissioners have joined the Warren County School District in signing off on property tax assessment appeals filed by Lowe’s and Aldi.
The settlements presented to the school board will see Aldi’s assessed value drop from $334,226 to $161,500 while Lowe’s will fall from $1.616 million to $595,000.
Both entities filed appeals last year, according to the settlement documents provided publicly by the WCSD.
The commissioners approved the settlements on Wednesday.
“The appeals dropped the assessed value on both of those properties,” Commissioner Dan Glotz said.
The agreements cover the 2024 tax year.
Glotz said the difference in tax revenue for Lowe’s will be $24,000 while the difference for Aldi will be $4,000.
Chief Assessor Brian Bull told the commissioners that as of July 1 about 85 percent of residential properties have been completed as part of the reassessment process.
He said staff are currently working in the area of Deerfield and Triumph townships and Tidioute.
The percentage of vacant parcels completed is nearly 64 percent while 1,340 have been deemed inaccessible along with 260 refusals.