
‘Nothing but great’

Warren City Council honors junior member

Times Observer photo by Heather Cathcart-Norris Mayor Dave Wortman presented Samuel Harvey, the junior council member, with an engraved pen, symbolizing the city’s deep appreciation for his dedicated service. Harvey will leave next month for the US Military Academy at West Point.

Samuel Harvey is going places as he leaves his post as a junior Warren City Council member.

Mayor Dave Wortman and members of the Warren City Council wanted to make sure to give Harvey something to take with him as he begins the next chapter of his life at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

Wortman said honoring Harvey was the “highlight of the meeting” and that “Sam’s track record has been nothing but great. Harvey was presented with an engraved pen from the city to remember his roots when he signs important documents in the future.

Harvey, the son of Sam and Rachel Harvey and the grandson of Samuel and Kathy Harvey of Manassas, Va., and George and Ruby Sakai of Topeka, Kan. thanked the council for the “great opportunity to serve.” Harvey has accepted a fully qualified appointment to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

In addition to his time as a junior member of the City Council, Harvey served as Warren Area High School Senior Class vice president, a member of the National Honor Society, and is active in his church, St. Joseph Parish in Warren. He is also a member of the football team, an accomplished powerlifter, and a student of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

City manager Michael Holtz reported that XL Excavating out of Cambridge Springs had the lowest bid for the Betts Park restroom renovation at $119,912. The project is funded by $59k from the DCNR, $50k from a private donor, and matching funds from the city’s general fund. The bid was accepted by the council unanimously. Renovations are expected to be complete in November 2024.

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