
Lego Robotics Camp tours Betts Industries

Submitted Photo Betts Industries hosted Hi-Ed’s Lego Robotics summer camp. The camp participants are pictured in front of the Betts Industries Building.

Betts Industries recently hosted the Warren Forest Higher Education Council’s Lego Robotics Summer Camp for a robotic tour. Campers saw made-in-America parts being crafted by local experts. They also saw welding and machining robots, looking at advanced manufacturing processes firsthand.

During the tour, the campers also visited the quality control department, where Betts Industries meticulously examines parts to ensure that the robots accurately complete their tasks. This behind-the-scenes look offered invaluable insights into the precision and care required to produce high-quality components.

Betts Industries, Zonta, and Northern Pennsylvania Regional College sponsored the camp, demonstrating a commitment to community engagement and STEM education. “We are so thankful for the relationship we have with Betts Industries,” said Angela Bigelow, Assistant Director of Warren Forest Higher Education Council. They don’t just host a tour for these kids; they engage with them and make it an experience.”

The Lego Robotics Summer Camp is just one of Hi-Ed’s enriching programs this summer; there are also Game Design Camp, Basketball Camp, and Minecraft Mania.

The tour at Betts Industries was educational and inspiring for the young campers, who were excited to see the technology in action.

Hi-Ed plans to introduce more camps next summer, and the ongoing support from community sponsors like Betts Industries ensures that these programs can continue to inspire and educate the children of our area.

For more information and to sign up for future camps, please visit the Warren Forest Higher Education Council’s website at www.hi-ed.org.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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