
WCSD seeking partners for summer food sites

The Warren County School District is working on an application to secure funding for this summer’s Summer Food Service Program.

District officials are looking for organizations willing to host the program.

“With summer quickly approaching, children in our communities will soon face a gap in their access to nutritious meals due to the loss of school breakfasts and lunches,” Matt Jones, coordinator of grant and foundation development, said.

The district, he said, is working on an application to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for funding to sponsor sites for the program.

“The SFSP is a federally funded, state-administered program,” Jones explained. “It reimburses providers who

serve free healthy meals to children and teens in low-income areas during the summer months when school is not in session.”

Three sites are currently planned — Beaty-Warren Middle School, Crescent Park and Lacy Park.

But Jones said the district is “very interested in having additional partners to host SFSP sites, especially from those communities outside the City of Warren.”

Requirements for agencies to be eligible include providing activities for school-aged children, the ability to arrange to pick up the food from Beaty each day, staffing to monitor the meals. There is also some mandated training.

Any organization that may be willing is asked to contact Jonesa t (814) 723-6900.

“As an SFSP host site, your organization can help fight childhood hunger in Warren

County,” he said, “provide a safe and welcoming space for children to receive and eat a healthy meal and

help the school district support the well-being of our kids.”

Starting at $2.99/week.

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