
ROY, Rouse partnering for spring clean-up

Revitalization of Youngsville and the Rouse are coordinating a spring cleanup event aimed at assisting homebound individuals in the community.

The event is set for June 1 and June 2.

“Our hope is to reach out to churches, service groups, and individuals within our community to volunteer over the couple days,” ROY President John Papalia said. “We are looking to provide general yard cleanup, mowing, rake leaves, edging etc. to help people prepare for the summer months.”

Reyd Martin, director of CORE services at the Rouse, said they are now “trying to identify individuals who can use assistance as well as volunteer groups to help with clean up.”

“In this first year we plan to limit the cleanup to 25 homes or properties within the Youngsville area,” Papalia said. “We feel this would be a doable number for us to handle in year one.”

Those interested in volunteering – or those in need of assistance – are asked to email Martin at rmartin@rouse.org or call 814-563-6475.

“ROY and the Rouse are committed to helping our community and its residents,” Papalia said. “This effort is a way for us (to) give back.”


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