
RDA hears update on Liberty Street hotel

A demolition permit is in the works for part of the former Brick House on Liberty Street, part of a downtown hotel project.

The Liberty Street project started as the Wendelboe Hotel in the former Watt office building.

But the developer, DewBoi Properties, acquired several more buildings in the area – the Brick House, Jack’s Tap House, Masonic building, former Blue Ribbon Rental building as well as the old flower shop building.

“They are in the process of getting ready to demo the back section” of the former Brick House, Director of Codes and Planning Randy Rossey told the city’s Redevelopment Authority on Wednesday. “They were removing some of the contents – chairs, tables.”

Rossey said that asbestos testing is required before a demolition permit can be issued.

“All commercial buildings have to have that done,” he said. “They file everything with DEP, (they) will get the demo permit and can go full steam ahead.”

The RDA loaned DewBoi Property LLC $250,000 as part of the project and the city secured an additional $183,025 in grant-to-loan dollars from the state for the project.

That state award is specifically for the rehabilitation of the former Brick House on Liberty Street.

Rossey said Wednesday that the city’s legal counsel is preparing the documents for that agreement. The goal is to have that ready to approve next month.


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