
Made for the shade: Sheffield students plant town Arbor Day tree

Times Observer photos by Josh Cotton Fifth grade students wrote essays - and then helped plant a tree in the town park - to commemorate Arbor Day on Thursday.

Sheffield is now a Tree City USA for the 21st consecutive year.

And the fifth-graders at Sheffield Area Elementary School helped commemorate the designation Thursday with an Arbor Day event at the town park.

“This is a time-honored tradition for the staff and students of SAES as well as the members of the community,” SAES Principal Kiley Harris said.

Sheffield Township issued a proclamation that was presented Wednesday and Taylor Chamberlin with the Bureau of Forestry presented the Tree City USA designation.

Chamberlin said the Tree City USA program “recognizes Sheffield as a community that wisely manages (its) tree resources.”

Every hand went up when the students were asked if they wanted to play in the first and plant the tree.

But before the digging, the to three essays from an class-wide essay contest on trees and Arbor Day with prices of $25 for third, $50 for second and $100 for first.

The essay awards are presented in the memory of Amanda Fitch — the fifth-grade teacher who started the Arbor Day Program in cooperation with the township supervisors and the Lions Club.


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