Internet providers raise concerns over prevailing wage mandate

Times Observer photo by Josh Cotton The Warren County Commissioners presented Kevin Reagle, left, who is retiring, with a plaque for his 26 years of service to the county. Warren County Commissioner Ken Klakamp said Reagle started at the jail as a corrections officer and worked as a deputy sheriff before shifting to the 911 Center. Public Safety Director Ken McCorrison thanked Reagle for his service at 911 and “for all the lives he’s touched throughout his career.”
Internet service providers with pending grant applications for state broadband dollars may face some unexpected challenges.
Three local internet service providers –, Breezeline and Verizon – have submitted applications for grant dollars to fund broadband projects in the county. The county government has committed in the area of $700,000 as matching dollars to assist in funding those projects.
Commissioner Tricia Durbin said during Wednesday’s meeting that she’s heard from the providers who “are expressing concern” about the regulations that will come with the funding, namely the possibility that they might have to pay prevailing wage, which would increase the cost of any project.
“Those individuals who have put in grants on behalf of the county in this most recent round of funding are still looking at that,” Durbin said.
“(I’m) hopeful we don’t lose any of those providers as a result.”
The commissioners approved an agreement with McCutcheon Enterprises to provide HAZMAT service in Warren County.
The cost is covered by the Local Emergency Planning Commission rather than the county.
Public Safety Director Ken McCorrison said the firm provides cleanup services. The regional representative is based in St. Marys.
“We do have equipment here that would take them extended periods of time to get so we keep it on hand,” McCorrison said.