Experience Inc., Rouse partner to provide programs for dementia patients and caregivers
Providing care for a person suffering from dementia can present real challenges.
The Rouse and Experience Inc. are partnering on a program to help meet the needs of caregivers as well as those with dementia.
They’re calling it the “Memory Care Cafe.”
“Here at the ACC we have been aware of the need to provide our community with a program that encompasses both the caregiver and their loved ones with dementia,” Kimberly Wilsin, director of center services with Experience Inc., told the Times Observer.
“As with any program we do, it sometimes takes more than just the ACC to initiate a program that addresses multiple needs,” she explained. “By having the support of Experience, Inc. and thanks to the Rouse and their ability to provide (dementia) practitioners, we can collaborate and provide a program that can support both the caregiver and their loved one with dementia.”
The caregiver side of the program will provide some respite time as well as support, information and social engagement.
“The ACC will provide an art class, possibly relevant presenters and/or the creation of a support group,” Wilson said.
The Rouse will be providing certified dementia practitioners to work with those with dementia during that time.
“The Warren community has some great support groups for caregivers and their loved ones. These organizations should be commended for meeting such an essential need in our community,” Wilson said. “Due to our large senior population, offering a program like this is one more option to make a positive difference and to offer help and support to the people in our community.”
The first session will be on March 14 from noon to 2 p.m.
Wilson said the Rouse will provide lunch for the first session and the next meeting, April 14, individuals can either apply for a lunch at the ACC or bring their own.
Signups are required by calling Wilson at (814) 723-4180.