
‘Dynamic’ showing: Career Center students bring home over 20 medals at SkillsUSA competition

Photos provided to the Times Observer Additional participants in the district SkillsUSA competition include, from left, Bree Huntington, Shayla Wilkins, Ken Pizzaro, Marissa Beardsley, Drew Bailey, Connor Loomis, Jayce Turner, Jason Klenck, Shawn McCurdy, Jesse Morlock, David Perry (Chapter VP), AJ Slattery, Brianna Brooks, Nathaniel Burroughs, Ryleigh Bowers, Ciara Sherwood, Natasha Ferry, Lionel Chapel, Anthony Tundel and Ryan Fitzsimmons. Aubrey Carrington imissing from the photo.

Students at the Warren County Career Center brought home 21 medals at the district SkillsUSA competition.

And one student — Marissa Beardsley — will be moving on to states.

“The Warren Chapter had 38 competitors who earned 21 medals in their respective contests,” SkillsUSA advisor Fred Backhus said.

“Congratulations goes out to all the competitors, as they were willing to compete and receive constructive evaluations that will help them become productive members of the Warren community and beyond,” he said.

Beardsley took home the gold medal in Technical Drafting. That sends her to states.

Warren County Career Students won over 20 medals at a recent SkillsUSA competition. Participants included, from left, Jared Spencer, Caroline Smyth, Chloe Webber, Alexis Stec, JJ Darr, Allison Cressley, Payten Mechling, Miranda Saunders (Chapter President), Finn Romanosky, Jaxon Sobina, Marrisa VanGuilder, Liam Smaroff, Molly Helman, Drew Morgan, Daylynn Powell and Dominic Sproveri. Tim Johnson is missing from the photo. (missing from photo, Tim Johnson)

Silver medals were awarded to Brianna Books (Medical Terminology); David Perry (Customer Service); Connor Loomis (Precision Machining); AJ Slattery, Natasha Ferry, Ken Pizzaro, Andrew Bailey and Lionel Chapel (Quiz Bowl);

Jared Spencer, Chloe Webber and Payten Mechling (Crime Scene Investigation); Alexis Stec and Finn Romanosky (Emergency Medical Technician) and Liam Smaroff and Drew Morgan in Cyber Security.

Students that brought home bronze medals include Ciara Sherwood (Job Interview), Aubrey Carrington (Extemporaneous Speaking); Nathaniel Burroughs (Architectural Drafting); Jayce Turner (Firefighting) and Daylynn Powell in Early Childhood Education).

Other students that participated in the district competition included Ryleigh Bowers, Bree Huntington, Marissa VanGuilder, Molly Helman, Miranda Saunders, Caroline Smyth, Shawn McCurdy, Allison Cressley, Anthony Tundel, Ryan Fitzsimmons, Justin Darr, Tim Johnson, Jason Klenck, Dominic Sproveri, Shayla Wilkins, Jesse Morlock-Boswell and Jaxon Sobina.

“SkillsUSA Pennsylvania, a dynamic student organization, plays a pivotal role in bridging the skills gap,” Backhus said. “As the demand for highly skilled professionals continues to grow, SkillsUSA steps up to prepare students for success in their chosen careers.”

The program focuses on employability, participatory skills and leadership skills.


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