
Details for center of roundabout completed

The plan for the center of the roundabout at Market Street and Pennsylvania Avenue is ready to go.

An update was provided to the Parks, Recreation and Landscape Commission during Tuesday’s meeting.

“The roundabout trees have been ordered,” Department of Public Works Superintendent Joe Reinke said. “The flag pole arrived this morning.”

A 30-foot flag pole will be accompanied by three trees along with lighting and a river rock base.

Each of the tree species will bring its own unique, vibrant color.

Reinke said one of the three trees will be an Alaskan weeping cedar, an evergreen, and will be five to six feet tall when placed.

“That’s about the biggest we could get locally,” he said.

The second tree will be a winter hawthorn.

“It’s a hardy tree,” Reinke said, and will give a “bright red color all winter long” along with a white spring flower.

“It looks like they have a red bloom all winter,” he explained.

The third will be a “Flame Thrower” redbud.

“It has a very pretty, iconic purple flower in the early spring,” Reinke said, with leaves that are red, orange and yellow. “It’s like a fall color all year long.”

He added that there could be salt spray but plow crews plow the roundabout to the outside.

“They’re hardy trees,” he added, explaining that the city has had success with the redbud downtown.

The goal is to have planting and installation completed by late April or early May.

“I think it’s going to look really good,” Reinke said.

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