Planning Commission moves blighted property to RDA
A blighted property that “looks like it’s falling in on itself” has been sent to the Redevelopment Authority.
The property at 2016 Jackson Ave. in Glade Township was before the Warren County Planning Commission for review.
County assessment records show that the property is owned by BSRE Holdings LLC, which has a Lancaster, Pa. address.
Paul Pascuzzi, who chairs the planning commission, said the property was purchased at tax sale and speculated that this is an “absentee owner.”
He read from a letter provided last month by an apparent responsible party that there are issues with installing a septic system as well as issues that have been worked through regarding the title.
The letter stated that the roof has been tarped to prevent further damage and that the plan is to complete a renovation and then sell the property for “top dollar.”
Deputy Planning Director Michael Lyon said the blighted property was started at the township level back in June.
Pascuzzi said the owners have been given plenty of time.
“They didn’t appeal,” Pascuzzi said. “They just sent a bunch of words.”
He recommended the commission move the property to the RDA “and have them take a look at this and take action,” which was the action the commission approved.
He added that the property “looks like it’s failing in on itself” but can likely be salvaged.
“Oftentimes people need some prodding to get that accomplished,” Pascuzzi said.