Linda White recognized by NCTA for work on ANF

Photo provided by the Times Observer Linda White, who recently retired after 15 years as a recreation planner on the Allegheny National Forest, has been recognized by the North Country Trail Association for her “leadership, actions and advocacy” that have benefited the NCT.
A long-time Allegheny National Forest recreation planner has been recognized for her work by the North Country Trail Association.
Linda White has been recognized with the NCTA’s Vanguard Award which goes to “a public official whose leadership, actions and advocacy have substantially benefited the North Country Trail over a Chapter area or larger.”
“Linda White more than met the criteria for this award,” Tina Toole, national NCTA board member and a key organizer for the ANF Chapter, said.
White worked for over 15 years on the ANF as a recreation planner, retiring at the end of 2022.
“Part of her job was to serve as the liaison between the ANF Chapter NCTA and the ANF Forest Service,” Toole explained. “The unique relationship between the ANF Chapter and the ANF Forest Service can be traced to the years that Linda White was the communication pipeline and an advocate for the ANF Chapter NCTA.
“She helped the ANF Chapter navigate the bureaucracy of the Forest Service and brought their needs before the Forest Service.”
Toole also highlighted White’s contributions to trail construction efforts.
“Her vast knowledge helped out countless times with trail issues,” Toole said. “She’d offer advice, teach and help at trail work days or hike in to view a problem area. Linda would find time to solve whatever problem or issue came up and would often come out on the trail and help when we put her advice into action.”
But her advocacy for the NCT was more than a professional function.
“About ten years ago, Linda decided that she could help out even more with trail maintenance by adopting a four mile section of NCT,” Toole said. “She has continued to be a trail adopter now that she has retired and become a chapter member.”
She’s also been at a host of ANF Chapter events – trail work days, hikes, the A-100.
“She came to offer support, but also just to meet and hear from chapter members,” Toole said. “The chapter appreciated that she stopped by the A-100 almost every year to see if help was needed and to take away recyclables and garbage. She would even bring snacks to share.”
Toole acknowledged there’s “no way to thank” White enough for what she’s done for the NCT “but her contributions to the improvement of the North Country National Scenic Trail can recognized and celebrated with this prestigious Vanguard Award.”