
Absentee ballots re-mailed with typo corrected

New absentee ballots have been sent in the wake of a typo and county officials are confident there’s enough time for voters to get those ballots back by mail.

The county’s Board of Elections said in a statement earlier this week that 233 voters received absentee ballots “with an incorrect request to vote for ‘no more than three commissioners.'”

The problem? Voters can only vote for two commissioners in a general election.

Updated ballots have now been sent to all affected voters.

Elections Director Krystle Ransom said on Thursday that the post office has said they will keep the ballots local once voters drop them in the mail.

With Election Day set for Nov. 7, it’s not a secret that there’s a bit of a time crunch.

“We understand with the truncated timeline the voters concern about not getting their ballot back in time but there are options to ensure their vote is received,” Ransom said.

One of those options is to bring the absentee ballot to the courthouse – Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – in person.

“Each voter must bring in their own ballot,” Ransom stressed.

Another option she outlined would be to take the unvoted ballot to the polls and vote by paper or machine there.

The mail also remains an option.

“We are confident with the post office keeping the ballots local, they will arrive by the deadline of 8 p.m. on Election Day,” Ransom said.

The typo didn’t affect regular mail-in ballots and isn’t likely to have much effect on the election since the office isn’t contested – there are three candidates for three spots.

The window to request a mail-in ballot or absentee ballot is actually still open.

According to the Pa. Department of State, the application window closes next Tuesday – Oct. 31 – at 5 p.m.

Those who already requested mail-in ballots should receive those soon.

“Everything was sent Wednesday and Thursday,” Ransom said, explaining that additional staff were brought in for a 16-hour-day “to ensure we could get them out as fast as possible since the error set us back a bit.”


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