
Wrapping up

Wilds are Working program wraps up Wednesday with farewell party

Times Observer photo by Josh Cotton Anna Hall, second from left, was one of the remote workers who spent August in Warren as part of the PA Wilds Wilds Are Working initiative.

The PA Wilds’ Wilds are Working initiative brought several remote workers to Warren County this month.

A reception was held to say farewell Wednesday night to Ben Goshow, Ben Liskowski, Derrick Dahl and Anna Hall.

Each of them lived in Warren for the month of August for a bit of a trial run.

Even if none of them relocate here, valuable information will still be gleaned from the process.

Jim Decker, the Chamber’s president/CEO thanked them for the input they provided “on how Warren stacks up.”

The feedback was both candid and honest, he said.

Overall, he views Warren’s participation in this effort a “positive” experience.

“Let’s continue our friendships,” he said. “Hopefully Warren is your eternal friend.”

Pat Evans, a member of the steering committee, called Wilds are Working an “amazing program” and said she was impressed with how involved the guests got in the community.

Some formal events were planned – canoeing the Allegheny River, a bike ride at Jakes Rocks and an event at Washington Park.

One worker, Hall, wrote blog posts about visits to several county places including the Wilder Museum, Sugar Grove, the library and the Warren County Fair.

Communities selected to host the program have to tick several boxes – suitable accommodations, access to high-speed internet, cell phone coverage, recreation and activity options and “a group of friendly and knowledgeable volunteers ready to host workers and help them make the most of their experience.”

Phil Gilbert spearheaded the grant application for Warren’s participation and members of the steering committee working to facilitate the program include Jim Decker, John Papalia, Savannah Casey, Ben Kafferlin, Kassie Damcott, Pat Evans, Phil Gilbert, Piper VanOrd and Tiffany Marino.


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