
Blight panel knocks properties off its list

The role of a blighted property review committee isn’t just to demolish properties.

Part of the effort is getting in front of properties that may be headed that direction and getting things turned around.

To that end, the City of Warren Blighted Property Review Committee removed two properties from its purview during Thursday’s meeting.

The first is located at 300 Hill St.

Zoning and Ordinance Official Scott Taylor said the discussion Thursday was going to be about a first declaration of blight for that property but said the owner has “scratched items off his list in the last two months.”

He said all utilities are back on and that moss was removed from the roof in addition to “some of the small things he needed to do.”

He told the committee that the property is being sold.

The other property is located at 209 Jackson Ave. Taylor said it now has utilities and a heart source. The owner “has met criteria to also remove that from consideration (for) any blight,” only leaving property maintenance issues to be addressed.

Taylor also told the committee that drawings are done and the permit process is underway regarding structural repairs to 104 Water St., a commercial building that sits just off of Pennsylvania Ave.


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