
Some concrete requires re-do

Times Observer photo by Brian Ferry PennDOT District Safety Press Officer Saxon Daugherty launches a drone Wednesday to do site-mapping of the downtown Warren roundabout project.

Work on the downtown Warren roundabout continues.

On Wednesday, PennDOT District Safety Press Officer Saxon Daugherty was on site with a drone, getting some photos and doing some site-mapping for the project.

The work is on schedule and Phase 1 is winding down, according to Senior Civil Engineer Supervisor Ted Wilson.

“The center part of the Phase 1 concrete is completed and all the Phase 1 drainage is complete,” Wilson said Wednesday. “The new water line will be completed by the end of the week. We just started down the curb line last week.”

That curbing includes the section of Market Street south of Pennsylvania Avenue and the south side of Pennsylvania.

Phase 2, the northwestern quadrant of the intersection, is expected to start in mid-June and take four to six weeks, Wilson said.

The traffic controls will be switched with eastbound traffic using the completed portion of the roundabout and westbound traffic being able to head north on Market, Wilson said.

Phase 3 at the northeastern corner is expected to take about the same amount of time.

“Once that’s completed, the long-term detours will be lifted,” he said. There will be traffic control as needed during daytime construction.

The final phase is the final paving of the intersection.

“We are currently on schedule, with an end date of mid- to late-August, pending weather and unknowns,” Wilson said.


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