
Balloons given to veterans in local nursing homes

Photo submitted to Times Observer Blue Star Mothers of Kinzua Kim Alberts (left) and Karen Hert hold balloons donated to local veterans in nursing homes by customers at West End Family Dollar.

The Blue Star Mothers of Kinzua and West End Family Dollar floated some love to veterans in nursing homes this Valentine’s Day.

More than 120 balloons were given to 82 veterans in nursing homes in the Warren County area.

Family Dollar set up the balloon donation with generous customers paying for the balloons, according to Blue Star Mother Kim Alberts.

There were so many balloons they wouldn’t fit in the vehicle. “We had to make three trips,” Alberts said. “The community is very generous.”

“The veterans were seen with the balloons tied to their dining room chairs or their wheelchairs as they traveled down the halls,” according to the Blue Star Mothers Facebook page. “Your support helps these brave souls know they are remembered and loved. We appreciate each and every donation received.”

Family Dollar and its customers are regular partners with Blue Star Mothers, she said.

“Thank you for your support through purchasing items at West End Family Dollar which are donated to Blue Star Mothers for Veterans and active military,” Blue Star Mothers Karen Hert said. “We appreciate your generosity.”

“It’s amazing how much they do for our organization,” Blue Star Mothers Skyla Govier said.

The Valentine’s event also included blankets for each of the veterans.

Three individuals donated blankets and Blue Star Mothers of Kinzua purchased the rest of the 82, Alberts said.


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