
Durbin named board of commissioners chair

Tricia Durbin has taken over the chair of the county’s board of commissioners.

“It’s time to pass the gavel,” Commissioner Ben Kafferlin said. “A lot has changed since I took over as chair,” specifically signing his family.

“The political environment has changed a little bit,” he added. “I think it’s just time for a new fresh, peppy face.”

Kafferlin reviewed highlights from the last five years — emergency radio systems, facility upgrades, attracting the Northern Pennsylvania Regional College headquarters, among others.

“(There are) still quite a few other things to do,” he stressed. “The work is definitely cut out for us. We have accomplished a lot of late.”

He stressed that he wanted to, in this move, “quash the previous custom of the top vote getter being the chair. I don’t think it’s a helpful one. Each board should determine for themselves who the chair should be based on the new vision the collective board has cast.”

‘I will definitely not be able to fill Commissioner Kafferlin’s shoes,” Durbin said. “I do not have those abilities with smooth words and perhaps not the political finesse. I will try to do the best job I can with the county. I have much respect for the two other individuals I serve with. I think, overall, we have a great team here.”


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