Rain barrels promote clean water environmental message
The rain barrels are finished and the judging is complete.
Five rain barrels were decorated by students from five different county schools.
Students at Eisenhower, Sheffield, Tidioute, Warren County Christian School, and Youngsville took on the challenge of making 3D art that promotes an environmental message of clean water.
“Warren County Saves the Rain was developed to educate participants and the public about the benefits of rain barrels,” Warren County Conservation District Program Assistant Sherry Moore said. “Thank you to all of the schools who participated in our rain barrel art contest. You all did an amazing job.
“Warren County Conservation District staff will be at Ekey’s Florist & Greenhouse from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday to answer questions and present information about rain barrels,” Moore said. “The finished barrels will be on display and people who stop in for information will be able to put their names in a drawing to win one of them.”
The entry from Eisenhower High School was awarded first place.
Sheffield Area High School’s barrel came in second according to the judges and won the People’s Choice Award.
The barrel by Tidioute Community Charter School came in third.
“Partial financial and other support for Warren County Save the Rain has been provided by the Department of Environmental Protection’s 2021 Environmental Education Grants Program,” she said.