
Elementary Center students celebrate Earth Day

Photo submitted to the Times Observer Mrs. Harris, Warren Area Elementary Center assistant principal, signs the second grade time capsule rock while Christin Driscoll and Jacob Ryan look on.

Second-graders at Warren Area Elementary Center recently celebrated Earth Day.

They improved the school’s amphitheater with some home-made touches and some old-fashioned elbow grease.

“Students worked hard… by edging the gardens with the own hand-painted rocks, adding hand-made bird feeders on the shrubs, and cleaning up the leaves,” Teacher Sara Nickerson said.

There were also lessons inside the school related to the event.

“In math, the class completed an activity where students needed to describe the properties of their rock and measure it,” Nickerson said.

After that, they painted the rocks.

The bird-feeders were made of shortening, bird seed, and a toilet paper tube.

In addition to decorating rocks individually, the class collaborated on a special project.

“The students reported that their favorite rock wasn’t the one they painted, but rather the rock that they all signed their names on to serve as a second-grade time capsule,” Nickerson said. “After signing, students invited the school principals to see their hard work in the amphitheater” and to let them join in on their time capsule.

Principal Jennifer Hobbs then selected “a special place of honor in the amphitheater to display the time capsule rock,” Nickerson said.


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