
Gilbert announces campaign for mayor

Phil Gilbert

Phil Gilbert, current City Council member, announced that he will seek election as mayor for the city of Warren on the Democratic ballot.

Gilbert has resided in Warren most of his life, is a graduate of Warren Area High School and has served as a City Council member since 2016. He said his experience and hard work in his numerous community commitments make him a perfect candidate for mayor.

Gilbert serves as president of the Warren Area Student Union; president of Innovault, a co-working space located downtown/PNC building; as a board member of the Farmers Market; and regularly volunteered for the Second Harvest Food Bank, and was on the Family Selection Committee of Habitat for Humanity.

He works as the director of the county Tax Claim Bureau where he’s served with distinction reducing costs and coordinated with delinquent taxpayers to reduce the number of properties going to tax sale. Gilbert also serves on the County Redevelopment authority and has led on numerous redevelopment issues addressing blighted property in a fiscally responsible manner.

“I am running for mayor because I believe the city needs strong leadership and an individual who will work with and for the community, and listen first to the interests of the business community as well as the citizenry,” he said. “As mayor, I will be engaged and will bring other leaders together to be proactive and address the community’s needs and concerns.”

As mayor of Warren, the following issues will be a priority for Gilbert:

¯ Redevelop and revitalize downtown Warren, particularly the riverfront space to make it a centerpiece of the community, a vibrant community space, and a source of pride and business growth.

¯ Finalize and expand the coworking space, and spaces like it, in the city. We need more opportunities forbusiness growth and to instill and support young entrepreneurs in our community.

¯ Expand paving in the city. Our roads are our path to prosperity and we should make sure they are the best they can possibly be. Gilbert would expand paving and push for a greater effort to repair our roads.

¯ Create community garden spaces around the city. As a community, one of our greatest strengths is our greenspaces and Mr. Gilbert will make that a focus as mayor pushing for the development of spaces for people togrow food and for beautification.

Gilbert is 38 years old and resides in Warren and has a 13-year-old son, Holden. Gilbert wioll be on the Democratic ballot in the Primary Election on May 18 and again in the General Election on Nov. 2.

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