
Tidioute Community Charter School prepares for school year with open house August 19

With the start of school for students at Tidioute Community Charter School less than a week away, school officials are busy getting things ready for day one.

Things kick off with an open house on Monday, August 19.

Chief Educational Officer Dr. Doug Allen said that the event will run from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and provide a time for “parents, guardians and students” to “be able to see student’s schedules, meet teachers and tour the school.”

That sets the stage for the first day of school, which Allen said is set for Wednesday, August 21.

Allen provided updates on a range of issues the school has been working on in advance of the start of school.

He said that the school has “completed 90 percent of the safety recommendations presented to the Board a year ago following a safety audit conducted by a firm from the Harrisburg area. A new fire alarm system has been installed, upgrades to the building’s electrical system have been completed, digital security cameras have been installed by Allied Alarms and other safety measures were completed this summer at TCCS.”

Allen also said that “all students will have individual Chromebooks in grades four through 12 and those in grades K4 to third will have new Apple iPads this year.”

In that vein, the school is holding a public sale today, August 16, “allowing area residents to purchase no longer used technology equipment.”

A few other items to note:

¯ A new music teacher has been hired. Allen said Jessalyn Peterson, a Penn State graduate, has joined the school to fill a position vacated via resignation.

¯ Like the WCSD, TCCS can also be found on the website Boarddocs, which allows the public to view board agendas online.

¯ From a facilities perspective, the gym floor has been resurfaced and upgrades to the kitchen and freezer were completed. Restroom renovations will be complete by the start of school, Allen reported.

¯ Ray Jones has replaced Jim Zeigler, who resigned, on the TCCS Board of Trustees. Allen said Jones spent over 20 years as a member of the Pennsylvania State Police and noted his family has lived in the community for many years.


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