
RDA to demolish Tidioute property

Officials from Tidioute met with members of the Warren County Redevelopment Authority to discuss the status of a fire-damaged blighted property on Tuesday.

Despite some prior interest in the property expressed by borough residents, it seems that the structure located at 3 Economy Street in Tidioute is first on the list for demolition.

The RDA became the owners of the property in January. There was some hope that Tidioute Borough would take over the property and demolish the structure.

County Planner Dan Glotz said the RDA is looking to recoup the $2,300 it’s put into the property. Glotz added that the RDA does not have the funds for demolition.

When he asked Tidioute Borough Council President Henry Brown if council was interested in the property, Brown replied, “No,” due to the cost of demolition.

Tidioute Borough Office Manager Crystal Heenan told RDA members two parties had expressed interest in the property, but neither has followed through. The borough has boarded up windows and placed caution tape around the property, but concerns remain that the structure poses a hazard.

Glotz told Brown and Heenan that County Commissioner Jeff Eggleston was working on putting together a knock-down crew in order to take down the structure.

Eggleston said the process is going through some legal steps and he hopes to have a schedule for knock-down within the next couple weeks.


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