
February agenda

Last month’s Warren City Council roundabout discussion also creeped into the discussion on Monday when it came time to approve last month’s meeting minutes.

Councilman John Lewis launched into an attack on Mayor Maurice Cashman indicating that the minutes do “not reflect” a statement that Cashman made “that (the mayor) had more information than council or the public. (It) was not put in the minutes. I would like the minutes corrected to (include) those statements. I would like to know why that isn’t in there.”

“I would also like to know what the more information was… that compelled you to a degree to ignore every person in expertise with traffic management in the city” as well as the industries that spoke to council.

Councilman Gregory Fraser then called for a point of order, saying it was “entirely appropriate” to request a “correction of the record.”

However, he alleged that to “relitigate” the issue “I think is moot at this point.”

Executive Secretary Teena Leary said that she would review the recording of the meeting but said that Cashman’s statement pertained to when he served on a prior board that he was often told members have more information to consider.

“Your memory is absolutely correct,” Cashman said in response to Leary’s comment.

Lewis then made a motion to table approving the minutes and Fraser noted that a request for a correction is “not a matter of a vote to be tabled or otherwise.”

“The minutes of the meeting are not intended to be a verbatim transcript,” City Manager Nancy Freenock said.

“But they should reflect comments that were made,” Lewis said.

Council approved the minutes 6-1 with Lewis opposed.


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