
‘To honor him…’

Outdoors event to carry his name — the Darin Freeborough Memorial Outdoor Show

Photo submitted to Times Observer Darin Freeborough speaks to a crowd during a past Warren County Outdoor, Travel, and Gun Show. The show has been renamed in his honor, becoming the Darin Freeborough Memorial Outdoor Show.

Darin Freeborough was a fixture at the Warren County Outdoor, Travel, and Gun Show.

Now, the event will carry his name.

“Darin was a great friend and a great advocate for the outdoors — hunting, fishing, and of course, trapping,” Warren County Chamber of Business and Industry Director of Chamber Operations and Tourism John Papalia said. “He was one of the guys who was with the show from the beginning.”

Freeborough was killed in an accident on Monday, Nov. 28, at the Webbs Ferry boat launch.

“To honor him, we are changing the name to the Darin Freeborough Memorial Outdoor Show,” Papalia said. “Darin was always so involved in the show, we’re happy to memorialize him in this way. As long as we have the show, that’s the way it will be.”

This year, there will be specific memorials to Freeborough.

There will be videos and audio running in the space Freeborough always set up.

“In that room, we’ll have some of his trapping videos going,” Papalia said.

“We’re going to build a memorial in Darin’s spot,” Pennsylvania Trappers Association Director John Chase said.. “I am personally looking for any pictures of Darin. I’d like to build a picture board in his memory.”

Anyone with photos of Freeborough is asked to contact Chase at (814) 823-5429.

There is no charge to attend the show, but there will be donation boxes for those interested in contributing in Freeborough’s honor.

“We’re going to be taking donations,” Chase said. “Any money we raise is going to go to Darin’s choice of charities — Hunt of a Lifetime.”

There will also be a silent auction that will benefit the same organization.

“A lot of my vendors have been donating items,” Papalia said.

The Darin Freeborough Memorial Outdoor Show will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 14, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 15, at the Warren Mall.

“I’m sure he’ll be with us and we’ll be able to pass his legacy on as best we can,” Papalia said.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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