

The great white

It was the day after St. Patrick’s Day and Morris was fishing for the Chomping Trout, so far, he hadn’t caught anything. Then suddenly, a white glow came from the water. Morris had no idea what it was he called to his friend at the shore, “Ash, check this out!” Then, out of ...

Walburg the whale

Walburg the wobbly walking whale, Was the only whale that could walk and talk, Walburg the wobbly walking whale, Walked to Walmart to get some water, When he was there, he went to the washroom, To wash his wonderful hands, Then he went to the water part of the store, ...

A lost uncle emerges

I woke up in a hospital bed. There were blinding lights shining in my eyes, and people scrambling all around me with blue masks on, concerned looks on their faces. All I could hear was a dull buzzing which occasionally formed words I could barely make out, words like, “Arm… Help… ...

The Little Dragon

I have a pet dragon who loves her wagon, Her name is Tiny, and she is very whiney, She can fly but if she does, she will cry, Her parents sent her to dragon school, And everyone could fly except for her, Her favorite meal is pancakes with whipped cream, But when the teachers ...

A great thought

Many people would cheer that the Christmas and New Year’s holiday season is the best time of the year. But, everyone fears the time thereafter. During the days that follow, it seems like there is nothing to do. It goes from happy holidays to just bare trees and the cold. For most, this is why ...

My crime- fighting dog

He’s a dog, A really, cool dog, A crime-fighting dog, He has saved the world two times, He does cool stuff, He disappears in the shadows, And reappears to catch the crooks, If you see him, you would be amazed! He is a likeable, hard-working dog!