
Pleas entered in Warren County Courthouse

Five guilty pleas while two defendants pleaded not guilty during arraignment and change of plea proceedings held Thursday at the Warren County Courthouse.

The following defendants entered guilty pleas:

Jonathan R. Carlson, 35, Jamestown, NY, to DUI and a traffic offense. Two counts of DUI were not prosecuted.

Timothy S. Cornell, 56, Warren, to charges of driving on a suspended license related to a DUI at two dockets.

Edward J. Nolte, 51, Corry, Pa., to terroristic threats and criminal mischief. Charges of kidnapping, false imprisonment and harassment were not prosecuted.

Thomas M. Sliter, 43, Clarendon, to terroristic threats, recklessly endangering another person, criminal mischief, DUI, criminal trespass and careless driving. Charges including two counts of aggravated assault, terroristic threats, recklessly endanger another person, two counts of simple assault, loitering and prowling at night time, disorderly conduct, two counts of harassment/stalking, driving an unregistered vehicle and restriction on alcoholic beverages were not prosecuted.

Christopher M. Walton, 44, Warren, Pa., to terroristic threats and simple assault. Charges of aggravated assault, recklessly endangering another person and two counts of harassment were not prosecuted.

The following defendants pleaded not guilty:

Brent M. Fuller, 30, Corry, Pa. Fuller faces charges including two counts of aggravated indecent assault, two counts of indecent assault and corruption of minors at one docket as well as rape, statutory sexual assault, sexual assault, three counts of aggravated indecent assault, two counts of indecent assault and corruption of minors.

Steven G. Michael, 34, Pittsfield. Michael faces charges of firearm not to be carried without a license, possession of weapon on school property, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and a traffic offense.


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