
Warren Area Student Union recognizes donors

The Warren Area Student Union, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is recognizing donors who contributed to the organization’s recent fundraising campaign.

The union’s services are free to Warren County youth. Donations can be sent to WASU, 330 Hickory St., Warren, PA 16365

Donors include: Ace Hardware, ADM Welding & Fabrication, Allegheny Cellars Winery, American Legion, John Anderson Construction, Applebee’s, Marian Aranyos, Arbor Coffee House, Jerry and Norma Bankoske, Dennis and Kathleen Benedict, Bent Run Brewery, Betts Industries Inc., Martha Betts, Dr. and Mrs. Paul A Bialas, Bigs Pizza & Subs, Mr.. and Mrs. . David A. Blair, Blueberry Hill Golf Course, Susan and Isaac Borland Jr., John M. Bowler, Diane Brant, Michael and Frances Brennan, Phyllis and George Broadbent, Burns & Burns Association, Cable Hollow Golf, Christie’s Pub, Cornerstone, Mr.. and Mrs. . Jack Creek, Crescent Beer Distributor,Crones, CTI Physical Therapy, Sarah and Harold Cummings, Jim Davidson, Mr.. and Mrs. . James T. Davis, Mark and Karen Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Defabio, David R. Dickerson, Docksider’s Cafe, James Eberly, Dr. Jay E Endres, Farrah Grotto, First Lutheran Church, Sylvia J. Follett, Gregory Fraser, Freedom Investment-Dave Close, Rayetta Freeman, Full House Eatery, Nancy Gabel, Mr. and Mrs. James Greenland, Dan and Shirley Griffin, Susan M. Gustafson, Hampton Inn, Michael and Lisa Harlovic, Steve and Darielle Hoden, Kimberly and Michael Hoffman, Hull Electric Inc., Dean and Lisa Huya, Ida Mae’s, Jackson Valley Golf Course, Jones Chevrolet GMC, John and Barb Kersey, Patricia King, Kinzua Federal Credit Union, Kiwanis Club of Warren, Mary E. Kushner, Kwik Fill, Lawson’s West End, Hank and Holly LeMeur, Donald E. Lewis Funeral Home, Robert and Donna Lewis, Liberty Street Lunch, Brenda Lindell, Lytle’s Car Clinic, Mangione Beverage, Paula McKeever, Craig and Chris McKillip, Richard and Linda McKissock, Medicare Solutions-Joanne Culbertson, Dick and Dusky Merenick, Charles Merroth, Jennie and Kevin Miller, Julie Myler, Mr. and Mrs. John Weller Park, Peppermill, Pizza Hut, Plaza Restaurant, Dr. and Mrs. R. Keith Price, Pub 302, Ribs & Bones, Runnings, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scarcella, Kathleen L Sears, Olivia Sechriest,

Suzanne M. Shall, Ed Shults of Warren, Blanche Shuman, Margery Smith, Mr. Lincoln Sokolski, Mrs. Evelyn Ann Stufflebeam, Summit Wealth – Myron Nordin, Superior Tire & Rubber Corp., John and Joanne Sutton, The Betts Foundation, Tops Market, Mark and Carol Torrance, Tractor Supply, United Refining Company, James E. Vecellio,

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vicini, Virg-Ann Flower Shop, Walmart, Warren Elks Lodge, Warren Shure Fine, Warren Tire Center, Warren True Value, Kevin Weigel, Wendy’s Café, Whirley Industries, Robert L. White, Sandra Wilks,

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Williams, Victoria A Williams, Richard and Mary Wilson, Troy and Savanna Winkels, Ms. Phyllis Wright, Mr. and Mrs. John Zawacki, Linda Zimmerman.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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