

Entrepreneur event

Entrepreneurs Forever will host an informational event on Thursday, Sept. 12 in Bradford for small business owners. This event marks the launch of a new program making its debut in McKean County. The program, funded by a recent grant secured by Senator Bob Casey, curates small business owners into long-term peer groups that meet monthly for three years to provide mutual support and facilitate business growth. The event will be held at the Guidance Center Community & Training Center, 24 W. Washington St. from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Genealogists to meet

The Warren County Genealogical Society will meet on Monday, Sept. 9 at 7:00 p.m. in the dining room of the First Lutheran Church. The program for the evening will be a discussion of early travel in Warren County and when the railroads connected Warren to the rest of the country. There will also be an opportunity for members and guests to seek research assistance and to share success stories with the group.

Ceramics program

The Forest Service is offering a free public program titled “Earth to Art: Clay Workshop” led by Fall Artist-in-Residence, Cassandra Voelker. The program will be held on Saturday, Sept. 14 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Kinzua Beach, located on Route 59 across from the Kinzua Wolf Run Marina. All ages and skill levels are welcome to join this program which will walk participants through the steps of making a small clay ornament or sculpture. Voelker will lead an open discussion about clay, community, public lands, and her residency. No previous experience is necessary. Air-dry clay will be provided. If available, bring a rolling pin and cookie cutters. Participants are encouraged to wear work clothes.PennDOT maintenance

The following maintenance work is scheduled for roads maintained by PennDOT in Warren County for the week of Sept. 9: Ditch cleaning on Rt. 957 in Freehold and Columbus townships; Spray patching on Oil Creek Rd., Old Rt. 77 and Lindsey Hollow Rd. in Spring Creek Twp. And US 6 in Mead Twp.; Drainage upgrades on Miller Hill Rd. in Farmington Twp.; Base repair on Scranton Hollow Rd. In Farmington Twp.; Crack sealing on Rt. 957 in Farmington and Pine Grove townships and Priest Hollow Rd. in Pine Grove Twp. as well as shoulder cutting on various roadways.

Antique study club

The Warren Antique Club will hold its first meeting of the season on Sept. 23 for lunch at Blueberry Hill Golf Club. Social time will be at 12:30 p.m. with lunch at 1 p.m. Those attending are asked to call or text Julie Wilcox at (814) 706-7331 with lunch choice or any questions about membership. Hats and gloves are requested but not required.

Class Of 1964 Reunion

is Saturday

The Warren Area High School Class of 1964 will hold its 60th reunion at the Conewango Club, 201 Market St., Warren, at 6 p.m. Saturday on the second floor. The agenda includes a 6 p.m. Friday mixer at the Conewango Club, a 10 a.m. gathering at the Hatch Run Conservancy Pavilion and 10 a.m. golf at Conewango Valley Country Club; a group picture at 6 p.m. Saturday at the Conewango Club followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. The reunion will close with breakfast at 9 a.m. Sunday at the Hampton Inn.

Grief Share to begin

Grief Share will be starting back up at Sugar Grove Free Methodist Church. Tuesday, September 10th at 6:00 in the church.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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