
Youngsville Life


— Monday, Aug. 19th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. there will be a Job Fair located at the Youngsville Public Library.

The Job Fair is being presented by Infinity Resources and PA Careerlink. There are multiple job openings with a diverse group of manufacturing facilities and institutional housekeeping. Temp-to-hire positions. Immediate openings.

Infinity Resources also offers free transportation to some of the jobs being offered at this Job Fair. Training is available and there are immediate openings.

PA Careerlink will also be there to assist with resume writing or other job-related needs.

This is a great Job Fair for anyone who is new to the job-market or for those who wish to explore what training opportunities are available.

— Tuesday from 10:30 to 11 a.m. is Preschool Story Time at the Youngsville Library. No registration … walk-in and be a part of the fun.

You’ll listen to stories, sing songs, and more as Miss Diane entices preschoolers to interact and learn. Targeted ages are 3-6, but all are welcome. This monthly program is offered the second Tuesday of each month.

— Wednesday from 5 to 6 p.m. is Youngsville Library’s monthly “WiFi Wednesday” program. Get free one-on-one troubleshooting help with your cell phone, tablet, or laptop.

No appointment needed, this is a very casual program where you can come in and ask for some guidance/help using your iPhone, android, tablet, laptop or other electronic device. This is a great opportunity for everyone – beginner to the more advanced user. WiFi Wednesday is offered the third Wednesday of each month at the Youngsville Public Library at 100 Broad St.

–Youngsville Library’s Book Club “Reading Between the Spines” meets the second Tuesday of each month from 3 to 4 p.m. Next meeting is Aug. 13. The book “Lolita” by Vladimir Nabokov will be discussed. Discussion book for September’s meeting will be “The Huntress” by Kate Quinn. If you enjoy reading a variety of genres & discussing what you’ve read in a casual and friendly atmosphere then YPL’s monthly book club is for you! Interested in joining?


–Public Notice: The Youngsville Borough DPW has begun the process of going to houses and installing new meter heads to water meters.

–The BVSPool’s Annual “Doggie Dip” event is scheduled for Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. For more details, view BVSPool’s Facebook page or call the pool: 814-406-8897 or the Boro Office: 814-563-7670. Miscellaneous News:

–Weekly “Bar-Bingo” night is each Thursday at the Youngsville American Legion at 10 N. Main St. Bingo starts at 6 p.m., and the kitchen now opens at 4:30 on Thursdays. No smoking allowed at Youngsville American Legion from 5 to 9 p.m. on these weekly Bar-Bingo nights.

Bar-bingo is a formal term for this weekly fundraising event and is not intended to imply that bingo participants are required to sit near or at the Legion bar area.


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