
Tidioute discusses Foundation, fishing tourney

Tidioute Borough Council met last month to discuss a number of topics.

Delores Timco addressed the council to discuss grant monies from the Weller Foundation, matched by the Community Foundation of Warren, to partially utilize funds for marketing and beautification of the borough for the upcoming Pennsylvania State Fishing tournament that Tidioute holds annually.

Timco, the council, and the tournament committee will work together.

Ordinance hearings for 5 Scott St., 227 Main St., and 169 Main St. were continued, while 31 Jefferson Street has been scheduled for a court date in October.

The recreation committee will add mulch at the playground area and invest in more oversized toilet paper roll holders to avoid staff needing to attend to the park restrooms over the weekend.

The streets and property committee had member reappointments and welcomed Johnathon Brown. Brown will be evaluating drainage issues on Third and Grant Streets.

In new business, the council agreed to shut down Greene Street for the Sept. 27 to 29 fishing tournament.

The borough received a grant for a bike repair station and bike racks, which will be installed shortly.

Council also unanimously passed Brown’s appointment as the Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator.

Borough manager Amanda Measel asked the council to reexamine the parking issue near the charter school to respond to their request to allow parking on Jefferson Street. After debate, it was decided that the council would table this to allow Brown time to assess whether there are parking possibilities that fall within the town’s ordinance.

The borough is looking forward to a World War II re-enactment in 2025, and a planning committee has been formed.

The Tidioute Borough Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Borough office, 129 Main St, Tidioute.


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