
Registration starts next week for Alliance

Taylor Made Dance and Theatre's Dance Alliance 2023-24 team, from left are: Elise Amsdell, Lettie Pearson, Sarah Hoffman, Josie Pearson.

Registration for the upcoming season with Taylor Made Dance and Theater’s Dance Alliance is open on their website, taylormadedanceandtheatre.com. In-person registration will also be available at the YMCA on Tuesday, Thursday, Tuesday, Aug. 20; Thursday, Aug. 22; Tuesday, Aug. 27; and Thursday, Aug. 29, from 4 to 6 p.m.

TMDT has classes available for all ages, including vocal lessons, interpreting Shakespeare, and many dance forms.

Preseason classes are also being held in August, and space is still available. Pre-season classes include performance stretch, contemporary ballet, classical jazz, and Broadway styles.


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