
Hospice receives July donations

Hospice of Warren County received contributions during the month of July: Thomas Best, Gary Bugbee, Denny Cedrone, Bernice and Dave Close, Bill Crozier, Robert Eastman, Nancy Nansen, Lauren Miller, Anne Rassiga, Diane Underwood, Jean Wolfe, Ellen J. Wozneak.

A contribution was also made in honor of Deanna Hollabaugh.

Send donations to Hospice of Warren County, 1 Main Ave., Warren, PA 16365 or online at www.hospiceofwarrencounty.org/donations. Donations support the comprehensive Hospice Program, including the John and Orpha Blair Hospice Residence, Palliative Care Service, and The Schorman Center– A Place for Healing Grief and Loss.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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