Youngsville Life: Youngsville Fire Department to host breast cancer benefit

There will be a breast cancer fundraising benefit event to help Julie Beers at the Youngsville Fire Department from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday.
There will be food (dine-in or take out), on-site basket giveaways, a separate grand prize giveaway, children’s games, a dunk tank and basketball shooting contest. All proceeds go to support Julie Beers, a Youngsville EMT, during her cancer journey, to help cover her medical expenses, travel costs, and other expenses while she is recovering from surgery.
The chicken and biscuit dinner (dine-in or take out) includes chicken gravy over a large biscuit, corn, applesauce, and cookie ($10 suggested donation). You do not need to be present to win for the various on-site raffle basket drawings, $10 for a sheet of 10 chances or $20 for a sheet of 25 chances. The Grand Prize Raffle tickets will be $5 each: first prize is a tundra yeti cooler ($400 value), second prize is a Member’s Mark Pro Series Charcoal Grill ($300 value), and the third prize is $150 in cash. Drawings will start at 1:30 p.m. You also do not need to be present to win the three grand prize drawing items.
Kids games will be available too. A $5 wristband allows all-they-can-play for prizes. A dunk tank is $5 for three balls and the “Basketball Shoot” is $5 a player. First prize for the basketball shooting contests is $20, second place is $10, and third place is $5. Finals will be held at 1:30 p.m.
(a) “Barks & Books”: Tuesday, July 23, be sure to visit Youngsville Library from 11 to 11:30 a.m. to visit with Gus the therapy dog during the Youngsville Public Library’s “Barks & Books” program (aka “Read to a Dog” program). This will be a fun opportunity to read to Gus, share with Gus what you’ve read over the summer, and also learn a little bit about his job as a therapy dog. You will leave with some dog-themed items too. No registration necessary, program geared to kids ages 3 to 12 years. Gus will be visiting the library again on Tuesday, July 30, from 10 to 10:30 a.m.
(b) Sensory Story Time: Visit YPL on Tuesday, July 23rd from 10:30 to 11 a.m. for their monthly Sensory Story Time program. Target ages 3-12 developmentally, no registration necessary. Enjoy movement, manipulatives, music, and stories all while interacting with new friends. July’s Sensory Story time will be immediately followed by a visit from Gus the therapy dog.
(c) Free Puzzle Exchange: Love to complete puzzles? Would you like to try some new puzzles but don’t want to keep buying new ones? Yngs Public Library has the solution for you. YPLibrary has a free “Puzzle Exchange” program. Gently-used puzzles are located in the lobby of the library. Patrons are encouraged to stop in and take a puzzle from the shelf to complete at home. You do not have to check out the puzzles.
“This is a free program based purely on the honor system,” stated Library Director Kristy Wallace. “The idea is to provide puzzles to the public, without them having to worry about returning or completing the puzzles in a specific timeframe. If you wish to donate a puzzle from home and exchange it for a puzzle from the lobby, that would be wonderful, but honestly it isn’t a “bring a puzzle to take a puzzle” format. If you have puzzles that are complete and in good condition and would like to ‘pass them on’ to others, please swing by YPLibrary during business hours. You might even find a ‘new to you’ puzzle to take home.” The library is open Monday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(d) Free Snack Program: YPLibrary has free snacks available now through August 23. Swing by during business hours. Snacks are located in the lobby. This is the ninth year that YPLibrary has provided free snacks to residents in the Youngsville Library service area. This year snacks are provided in partnership with C.H.O.P. organization and private donations. The library is open Monday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(a) Open Boro Council Seat: Youngsville Borough Council is accepting letters of interest for an open Borough Council seat. Submission deadline for the letter of interest is Monday, August 5, appointment will take place August 12. Applicant must: (a) be a registered voter of the Borough, (b) attend Borough Council meeting (second Monday of the month at 4:30 pm), (c) attend occasional work sessions (budget session, etc.) and review bills and special documents.
The appointment term is August through December 2025. The appointed person would have to run for re-election in November 2025 if they wish to remain on Borough Council. Letter of interest should be sent to: Wendy Wilcox, Borough Manager, at or can be mailed or dropped off to the Borough Building (40 Railroad Street, Youngsville, PA 16371).
(b) Hot Dog Fundraiser during YABA: Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. the Little Eagle’s Wrestling will have its annual hot dog stand fundraiser from 10 am – 6 pm, located in town at the East, West, and North Main Y (the old CITGO station, near Champion Laundry).
(a) YHS Class Luncheon: Thursday, July 27, the YHS Class of 1965 is having a luncheon at Station 61 at 1 p.m. Class of 965 luncheon is held at 1 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month at Station 61. All are welcome.
(b) Irvine-Newbold Estate Tour: The Wilder Museum of Warren County History presents Irvine-Newbold Estate Tour with U.S. Forest Service Archaeologist Zaakiyah Cua on Wednesday, July 31 at 6 p.m. Tour the ground of this once-lavish estate. Meet at the Wilder Museum (51 Erie Ave, Irvine). Proper footwear is a must. For more information call 814-723-1795.
(c) 100th Year Anniversary: Brokenstraw Fish & Game Club’s 100 Year Anniversary Celebration is today from noon to 4 p.m. at the Brokenstraw Fish & Game Club (Mead Run Road, Youngsville). This is a free family friendly event open to the public. Please come join us for live music by Mahfey Brothers, food, beverages, and much more. If you have any pictures taken at the club over the last 100 years (such as graduation parties, weddings, trap shooting) and would to share, please email Jesse may at
(d) YHS 1969 Reunion: YHS Class of 1969 is celebrating the “Summer of ’69” with their 55th Class Reunion on August 17the at the Brokenstraw Valley Winery (100 Hillside Drive, Yngs). From 4 to 11 p.m. enjoy a social time and a 5:30 p.m. catered dinner buffet. It will be a cash bar. All wine, beer, and liquor must be purchased at the winery. If interested in attending, please contact Paula (814-726-1404) or Sandy (814-203-2720) for details. Dinner Reservations are to be mailed to S. Silvis, 613 Greeley Street, Bear Lake, PA 16402.