
Big fish, ‘challenges’ on Tionesta Creek

Allow me to submit a light hearted narrative based on two old friends fishing in Warren County. I thought readers would enjoy this.

Part 1 (Excited

Fisherman arrive

at stream-side)

Johnny Fishburn: Hey Scales we can park over here and be out of the way.

Scales: OK I’ll see if I can back in next to you without loosing a wheel off the edge over there.

Johnny: I don’t think the township guys will say anything with us parked way down here out of their way. Let’s get our gear on, can’t be far over to the creek. … Boy these waders are a hassle to get on standing up.

Scales: Used to be a rickety pipeline and cable bridge straight over there in the woods but I think it’s gone.

Johnny: This is really weird with our old Washington grade school right across the highway….course the brick building is long gone. Looks like there’s an oil field supplier of some kind on the property. We must be getting old ….even our grade school is gone!

Scales: I’ll cross over if I can find a shallow spot, and work my way up the Little Arnett a ways and see if there’s fish in the lower section before it dumps in …. should be good fish that nobody has bothered in years in there.

Johnny: Finally we are finding a way to access that thing without walking all day. OK, I’ll walk downstream here on the Tionesta and work my way up where they merge … might be a few good spots along here from what I see. Scales did you bring a net like I told you?

Scales: Naw I’ve always fished without one.

Johnny: Well I left mine in the car somehow so I guess we’re in the same boat. I didn’t bring the radios either so we’ll just play it by ear… Maybe cell phones will work along here.

NEXT WEEK: Part two.

Tim Barner is a 1965 Warren Area High School graduate and still has family in the area. His blog can be found at https://tb1hoosierland.wixsite.com/pandemicfisherman-1

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