Glade Township
to hold spring clean-up May 11
GLADE – Glade Township will hold its spring clean-up event for residents from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 11, at the Glade Township Building on Cobham Park Road. The cost is $10 per car or $20 per truck. Items that will not be accepted include: batteries, wet paint cans, propane tanks, household garbage, yard waste and hazardous materials. Call 814-726-2159 for additional information.
Dinner Club to meet
The Newton Dinner Club will meet Thursday, April 18 at 12:30 p.m. at Station 61 in Youngsville.
Class to meet
The Eisenhower High School Class of 1973 will meet for breakfast at The Bucket Cafe in Sugar Grove at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 20.
Bridge results
Lana Creal and Chick Bello came in first Monday evening at the YMCA with Rita Mancuso and Connie Michell in second. Marge Neel and Bill Massa were first and second Tuesday at the Allegheny Community Center. At the Woman’s Club on Thursday, Michell was first and Marcy O’Brien came in second.