
Titusville Senior Center lists coming events

This month Titusville Senior Center has a lot of exciting activities planned. Stop by The Center for a February Newsletter to see all we have going on.

February is Canned Food Month, so don’t forget to bring an item with you when you come to visit. We’ll be donating all we gather to a local food pantry. The AARP Tax Aide volunteers will be here beginning this month for tax prep. The number to call to schedule those appointments is (814) 499-3023. Center Staff cannot make these appointments for you. You must call their number and leave a message. There is not someone to answer the AARP line, but they do check messages often and will get back to you as they’re able.

In addition to regularly scheduled activities, we have projects you can work on at your leisure or space for you to work on your own projects in our Craft Room while visiting with friends. We have a sitting area if you’d prefer to enjoy your coffee and conversation there. We have a stock of puzzles you can put together, card/board games to play with a friend, or maybe a game of darts. Stop by and check us out! Visit www.goseniors.org to view our newsletter, full calendar, and menu – or find us on Facebook! As always, lunch reservations are required two business days in advance by calling the Titusville Senior Center at (814) 827-9134 or sending us an email to goseniors@zoominternet.net.

Monday, February 19 – Lunch: Pizza and tossed salad. Pinochle Party at 12:45 pm. We’re always looking for new players!

Tuesday, February 20 — Lunch: Stuffed pepper casserole with garlic whipped potatoes.Sweet Treats & Trivia at 11 a.m., hosted by Gwen Smith. Healthy Steps in Motion @ 12:45 pm. This FREE class focuses on increasing flexibility and balance.

Wednesday, February 21 — Lunch: Roasted pork and potatoes with chives. Free Blood Pressure Screenings at 11 a.m.. BINGO at 12:45 pm. Enjoy fun prizes, plus a $25 jackpot!

Thursday, February 22 — Lunch: Turkey chef salad with vegetable soup and dinner roll. Healthy Steps in Motion at 12:45 p.m. This FREE class focuses on increasing flexibility and balance. Knee Pain with Dr. Charles Gates at 12:45 p.m.

Friday, February 23 — Lunch: Egg salad sandwich with potato salad and peaches. Community Coffee with Oil Region Tech at 10:30 am. Join us to hear about their mission to provide free education and training to the community about technology! You’ll be able to ask questions about your specific concerns as well. Encaustic Art Class with Savory Studio at 12:45 p.m. This class is pre-registration only, and costs $15.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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