
ELLWOOD earns OSHA recertification

ELLWOOD National Crankshaft team members celebrate VPP STAR status with representatives from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

ELLWOOD National Crankshaft team members on Wednesday celebrated with representatives from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration the recertification of the facility’s Voluntary Protections Program STAR status.

The facility first earned the designation in 2016 and has continued to work with OSHA on maintaining their position as one of only seven VPP STAR facilities in Western Pennsylvania. VPP STAR is recognition for employers and team members who demonstrate exemplary achievement in the prevention and control of occupational safety and health hazards through the development, implementation and continuous improvement of their safety and health management system.

“ELLWOOD National Crankshaft is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment by joining with our team members to proactively implement programs that ensure a safe and productive workplace,” said Jesse Benton, ELLWOOD National Crankshaft Director of Operations. “Throughout the year, we partner with OSHA and provide them with updates on steps we take to improve our processes as our number one focus is and always will be the safety of our team.”

Earning VPP STAR status is a rigorous undertaking as employers must undergo onsite evaluations by a team of safety and health professionals from OSHA as well as other Special Government Employees from other VPP sites who volunteer their time to take part in the audit. According to OSHA, statistical evidence for VPP’s success is impressive.

The average VPP worksite has a Days Away Restricted or Transferred (DART) case rate of 52% below the average for its industry. These sites typically do not start out with such low rates. Reductions in injuries and illnesses begin when the site commits to the VPP approach to safety and health management and the challenging VPP application process.

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