
Conservation district to host art contest

The Warren County Conservation District will be hosting an art contest for students in grades K through 12.

This year’s contest theme is “May The Forest Be With You” and focuses on “the benefits of forested areas to both wildlife and humans,” according to the district.

The district is asking entrants to ask themselves “Why are forests important?” when brainstorming for their piece.

“Everyone knows that trees are responsible for cleaning and making our air. However, trees are also responsible for filtering our water and helping it soak into the ground,” according to district staff. “When trees and plants soak up water and help it recharge groundwater by soaking into the ground this reduces stormwater runoff. This water typically goes directly, and quickly, into a river or stream without any kind of treatment… (and) can also cause flooding. Besides being a super-sponge for water management, forests are home to more than 80 percent of land-based plants, animals and insects. Forests can also reduce climate change by sequestering carbon. Spending time in forests is also good for your health. The point is, forests are awesome and offer many benefits. Without them, humans, plants, animals and insects would have a hard time living. It is the interpretation of that concept that we want to see in the artwork of our local K-12th graders.”

Submissions must be original creations of the student on eight-and-a-half by 11 inch card stock. Mediums accepted include pencil, crayon, marker, charcoal, paint and pen.

The district is coordinating with schools in the county for the contest. Students are asked to contact art teachers for more information. They can also visit the district’s website at www.wcconservation.net or email Sherry Moore at the district at smoore@wcconservation.net.

The deadline for submissions is March 15 at 4 p.m.

Formal judging for first,second and third place in each age group is slated for April 2 and winners will be notified on April 5. A people’s choice award will also be given based on public input. The public can view submissions and vote from March 19 through 29 at the conservation district building at 4000 Conewango Ave. in Warren between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Prizes are sponsored by the Warren County Visitors Bureau.


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