

Historical society to hold

annual Christmas dinner

The Elk Township Historical Society will hold its annual Christmas dinner and special evening at 6 p.m. Saturday at the former Scandia school. All ages are welcome to attend.

The historical society will provide table service, baked ham and beverages. Each family is asked to bring a generous tureen to share.

Following the dinner, special guest Pastor Aaron Reinard will provide Christmas music and sing-along. To close the evening, the group will enjoy the holiday auction of new or gently used Christmas items. Wrapped gifts can be donated for the auction.

Proceeds from the event will benefit the Elk Township Historical Society.

Zonta drive collecting

hygiene products

The Zonta Club is collecting hygiene products including toiletries and lotions as well as feminine hygiene products to be distributed to nonprofit organizations in Warren County. Drop off locations include White Cane Coffee, Jefferson DeFrees Family Center, Senior Helpers, Tybout House, YMCA and the Youngsville Library.

Master Watershed

Steward program

Services groups and individuals interested in improving the health of Pennsylvania’s waterways can request information about the Penn State Extension’s master watershed steward program, which educates and empowers volunteers to carry out watershed projects and education in their communities. Sessions can be requested in December 2023 and January 2024. Sessions will cover the master watershed steward program training, structure, commitment, and requirements; the types of projects in which the master watershed steward volunteer team engages; valuable program partners and Penn State Extension and the land-grant university system. The sessions are offered free of charge and anyone interested is asked to email ars26@psu.edu.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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