
Warren Players to hold auditions for a Christmas Classic

The Warren Players will produce “A Christmas Carol the Musical” over Thanksgiving weekend at Warren Area High School.

The Christmas classic is being performed for the third time by the same director, Jennifer Check. The show was first produced in 2005 and directed by Check and her late father, John Check. It was brought back in 2013 and now again, this year.

Check said she is thrilled to be directing it again.

“It is not only a classic Christmas story, but the music is also beautiful, the message is timeless, and the feeling you get from this show is the perfect way to kick off the Christmas season,” Check said.

Auditions will be held Monday, Sept. 25, at 6:30 p.m. at First Lutheran Church in Warren. Main roles and ensemble parts are available for ages 8 and up. Those interested in auditioning may also visit the Warren Players Facebook page and submit an audition video online through the provided link. All information about auditions can be found on www.warrenplayers.com.


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